Typography photoshop tutorial

Typography Effect 

First open the image on which you want to make effect.


Press Ctrl + J for duplicate layer (LAYER 1).

Delete the background . Here the background color is same so we can delete it with magic wand tool.

Now create a new layer (LAYER 2 )and with rectangular marquee tool select half of the image fill this selection with black color by pressing  Alt + Del . Now reduce its opacity to 30 percent.

Now create new layer and write the text like this .

Now press CTRL and click the text layer . This is to select the text .

Now click on layer 2 and press delete .

Now create a new layer below the duplicate image layer that is layer 1.

Now go to layer 2 and make its opacity full and hide the text layer .

Then select layer 1 . and go to Image -> Adjustments -> hue saturation . adjust the hue saturation and press ok .

Your effect is ready .

Thanks for following this tutorial.

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