Photo Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Photo Effect  

First open the image on which you want to make effect.

Press Ctrl + J for duplicate layer 

Now we will create a brush for our effect . For this go to file new ->> new document

 Create a new layer . 

Now press B for brush and select hard brush. And draw like this .

Then go to EDIT -> Define brush Preset . A dialogue box will appear and press ok .

 Then again go back to image file . Select  layer 1 and go to Layer -> Layer Mask -> Hide all
Then press F5 for brush setting and click on shape dynamics and scattering. In scattering set count =2 .
 Select white color and click on layer mask . and paint like shown in image.

 Paint more in the center to reveal image behind it .

 Finally the image will look like this .

 Make a new layer below layer 1 and fill it with any color.

Your effect is ready   ;)

Thanks for following the tutorial .. J

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