Dispersion effect tutorial Photoshop

Dispersion effect

First open the image on which you want to create effect

Then double click on the background layer . Now we can edit this layer .

 Now remove the background of the image . Here we have the same color in background so we can  easily  remove it by magic wand tool . 

Now create  a copy of this layer by pressing CTRL + J

Select layer 0 . Here we will apply layer mask .For this  go to LAYER -> LAYER MASK -> REVEAL ALL 

Now press B for brush .Select the brush with which you want to create an effect . Here i have created a square brush and using it here to show the desired effect . Select black as foreground color . Now press F5 for brush setting and tick on shape dynamics and scattering . This will give a nice effect.

Now click on mask and click on the area on which you want to show dispersion effect .

Now click on layer 0 copy . Select half of the image with selection tool  and press CTRL T . and expand the image and press enter . 

Then go to  LAYER -> LAYER MASK -> HIDE ALL.

Now select brush and click layer 0 mask . Click on the area as shown in image . 
Create a new layer and drag it below the layer 0 .Fill the color of your choice here I have chosen grey color . 

Your dispersion effect is ready .. ;)

Thanks for following tutorial .. :)

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